Shinagawa-ku is one of the 23 central special wards of Tōkyō.
"One of the most underrated areas in Tokyo, full of history and sights to discover."
Scenic spots in Shinagawa? You're kidding me ... could be a very likely answer.
The Shinagawa ward as an area for sightseeing is despite it's central location totally off the beaten path. The only thing most tourists will ever encounter and remember from Shinagawa is the JR Rail Pass exchange office at the Shinagawa train station. But exactly because it is often one of the first (and/or last) spots on many traveller routes and itineraries on their way from/to the airports in Haneda or Narita, makes it an even worthwhile undertaking to explore the scenic spots in the vicinity. And let me tell you, there is much MUCH more to discover in Shinagawa ward than you'd expect on first glance.
"One Hundred Scenic Spots in Shinagawa" isn't a personal reference but an official designation by the Shinagawa ward administration, indicated by a small sign at each of the 100 places.
I haven't found a map so far, so I don't know where exactly all of them are located yet, but I've embarked on a discovery tour to actually find them one after the other, and publish them here for everyone to more easily find and visit.
1 Row of Old Houses in Kita-Shinagawa (北品川の古い民家の家並み)
2 Inarido Shrine (稲荷堂)
3 A crowd in former Tokaido Road (旧東海道のにぎわい)
4 Fishing Boats in Shinagawa Harbour (品川浦とつり船)
5 Festival of Kokuzoson/Yoganji Temple (虚空蔵尊(養願寺)の縁日)
6 Seiseki Park (the site of a historical feudal lord inn) (聖蹟公園(本陣跡)
7 View of Ebara Shrine in fresh verdure from Chinju Bridge (鎮守橋から新緑の荏原神社を望む)
8 Tenno Festival of Ebara Shrine (Kappa Festival in June) (荏原神社の天王祭〈6月〉)
9 Shinagawa Shrine (品川神社)
10 Kita-no-tenno Festival in June (品川神社の例大祭〈6月〉)
11 Daidaikagura (Sacred Shinto Dance) (品川神社の太太神楽)
12 Pilgrimage to Tokai Seven Deities of Good Luck (東海七福神めぐり )
13 Tomb of Taisuke Itagaki (板垣退助の墓)
14 Gongenyama Park (権現山公園)
15 School entrance ceremony under cherry blossoms (桜の中での入学式)
16 Kodomo no Mori Park (子供の森公園)
17 Yatsuyama Bridge (八ツ山橋)
18 View of Shinagawa Church from Shin-Yatsuyama Bridge (新八ツ山橋から品川教会方向を望む)
19 Hara Museum of Contemporary Art (原美術館)
20 Gotenyama, famous for beautiful cherry blossoms (桜の名所の御殿山)
21 Oyama Cemetary at Tokaiji Temple (東海寺大山墓地)
22 Shimizu Inari Shrine (清水稲荷神社)
23 Kagata Shrine and the mound of a whale (利田神社と鯨塚)
24 Yoriki Shrine (寄木神社)
25 Tennozu Baseball Ground and night games (天王洲公園野球場とナイター)
26 Konami Sports Club (元なぎさ通り沿いの大きな柱が印象的な建物)
27 (妙蓮寺・高木正年の墓)
28 Ground of Kaitokuji Temple (海徳寺境内)
29 Temple Gate and Unknown Tombs in Tenmyokokuji Temple (天妙国寺の山門と無縁仏)
30 Cemetary in Tenmyokokuji Temple (天妙国寺の墓地)
31 Honsenji Temple (品川寺)
32 "Edo Roku Jizo" in Honsenji Temple (品川寺の江戸六地蔵)
33 Bell in Honsenji Temple (品川寺の梵鐘)
34 Kaiunji Temple and Sentaikojin Festival (海雲寺と千躰荒神)
35 (目黒川両岸の緑と赤レンガ工場)
36 (清光院と奥平家墓地)
37 (路地裏と駄菓子屋)
38 (エンジュの並木のゼームス坂通り)
39 (二日市公園)
40 (赤レンガ造りの旧変電所)
41 (花房山の桜並木)
42 (清泉女子大学(旧島津公爵邸))
43 Ikedayama Park (池田山公園)
44 Row of Sakura Trees in Gotanda Park (五反田公園の桜並木)
45 (目黒川の柳)
46 (かむろ坂)
47 (氷川神社とわき水)
48 (日本酸素記念館と庭園)
49 Row of Buildings including TOC and Yupoto (TOCとゆうぽうとのある街並み)
50 Ohsaki New City (大崎副都心の街並み)
51 (居木神社と居木橋貝塚)
52 Samezu-Hachiman-jinja Shrine (鮫洲八幡神社)
53 Moorage at the Mouth of the Tachiai-gawa River (立会川河口堤防船だまり)
54 Grounds of Raifukuji Temple (来福寺の境内)
55 (鈴ヶ森刑場跡と大経寺)
56 Shinagawa-kumin Park (しながわ区民公園)
57 (大井の水神社)
58 (大井水神公園)
59 Oi race Track and Twinkle Race (大井競馬場とトゥインクルレース)
60 (大井競馬場前駅と運河、モノレール)
61 "Oath of Peace" Statue (「平和の誓い」像)
62 (大井どんたく夏祭り〈8月〉)
63 (時代屋)
64 Shinagawa Historical Museum (品川歴史館)
65 Kashima Jinja Shrine (鹿嶋神社)
66 Omori Kaizuka Shell Mounds (大森貝塚)
67 Nishi-Ohi Station and the neighbourhood (西大井駅とその周辺)
68 Yogyokuin Temple (Nyoraiji Temple) (養玉院(如来寺))
69 Sentokuyo Festival of Obotoke (Yoganji Temple) (大仏の千灯供養)
70 Tomb of Hitobumi Ito (伊藤博文公墓所)
71 (JR東日本東京総合車両センター)
72 (林試の森)
73 (武蔵小山商店街モニュメント)
74 (武蔵小山商店街のにぎわい)
75 (小山両社祭の神輿連合渡御〈9月〉)
76 (星薬科大学)
77 (西小山桜並木通り)
78 (小山八幡神社)
79 (戸越銀座商店街のにぎわい)
80 (旗岡八幡神社と鎌倉道)
81 Horenji Temple (法蓮寺)
82 (旗の台伏見稲荷神社)
83 Kanariyazaka Slope (カナリヤ坂)
84 (中延小学校の大楠と中延の森)
85 (中延商店街のにぎわい)
86 (戸越八幡神社)
87 Togoshi Park (戸越公園)
88 Kamishinmei Tenso Shrine (上神明天祖神社)
89 View of Tokyo Tower, Monorail and the Sea (東京タワー、モノレールと海の風景)
90 Minatogaoka-futo-koen Park (みなとが丘ふ頭公園)
91 (八潮橋)
92 (八潮団地から見える夕焼け)
93 Kamome Bridge and Keihin Canal (かもめ橋と京浜運河)
94 View of Keihin Canal from Kamome Bridge(かもめ橋から京浜運河を望む)
95 (東京モノレールと八潮団地)
96 (八潮団地と緑道公園)
97 Sports Centre (Oi Central Seaside Park) (スポーツの森(大井ふ頭中央海浜公園))
98 (なぎさの森(大井ふ頭中央海浜公園))
99 The Museum of Maritime Science (船の科学館がある風景)
100 View from the Museum of Maritime Science (船の科学館からの眺め)
100 船の科学館からの眺め
101 しながわ宿場まつり〈9月〉
102 天王洲エリアの水辺の風景
103 目黒川の桜
104 ねむの木の庭
105 五反田ふれあい水辺広場
106 しながわ水族館
107 桜新道の桜並木
108 立会川の坂本龍馬像
109 文庫の森
110 旗岡連合神輿渡御〈9月〉
111 神明児童遊園
112 新幹線車両基地
Japanese: 北品川の古い民家の家並み - Kitashinagawa no furui minka no ienami
Time: a round walk of 25+ min from Shinagawa station
Address: 1-21-10 Kitashinagawa, Shinagawa, Tokyo
Directions: From Shinagawa Station it is a 10-12 minutes walk, but the closer station is Kitashinagawa, first stop on the Keikyu Main Line from Shinagawa to Haneda
Japanese: 旧東海道のにぎわい - Kyū Tōkaidō no nigiwai
Time: a round walk of 35+ min from Shinagawa station, though the closest station is Shinbanba on the Keikyu Main Line (2 stops from Shinagawa station), from where it's just five minutes
Recommended Restaurant in the vicinity: Though there are quite a few restaurants in this area, I recommend the Korean restaurant "Busan" and the Unagi/Smoked eel restaurant both right in
front of the Scenic Spot No.3 Sign.
Address: 1-30-21 Kita-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Japanese: 品川浦と船だまり - Shinagawa-ura to fune damari
Time: a round walk of 30+ min from Shinagawa station
Address: 1-23-6 Kita-Shinagawa, Shinagawa, Tokyo
Directions: From Shinagawa Station it is a 10-14 minutes walk, but the closer station is Kita-Shinagawa, first stop on the Keikyu Main Line from Shinagawa to Haneda
Japanese: 虚空蔵尊(養願寺)の縁日 - Kokuzōson (Yōganji) no En'nichi
Time: a round walk of 40 min from Shinagawa station, though the closest station is Shinbanba on the Keikyu Main Line (2 stops from Shinagawa station), from where it's just three minutes away.
Address: 2-3 Kita-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Japanese: 権現山公園 - Gongen'yama-kōen
Time: a round walk of 45+ min from Shinagawa station
Address: 3-9-5 Kita-Shinagawa, Shinagawa, Tokyo
Japanese: 八ツ山橋 - Yatsuyamabashi
Time: a round walk of 20 min from Shinagawa station.
Address: 4-7 Kita-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Japanese: 新八ツ山橋から品川教会方向を望む - Shin-Yatsuyamabashi kara Shinagawa Kyōkai hōkō o nozomu
Time: a round walk of 25 min from Shinagawa station.
Address: 4-7 Kita-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Japanese name: 東海寺大山墓地 - Tōkaiji Ōyama bochi
Time: a round walk of 45+ min from Shinagawa station
Address: 4-11-1 Kita-Shinagawa, Shinagawa, Tokyo
Japanese name: 利田神社と鯨塚 - Kagata-jinja to Kujira-dzuka
Time: a round walk of 35+ min from Shinagawa station
Address: 1-7 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa, Tokyo
Directions: From Shinagawa Station it is a 15-20 minutes walk, but the closer station is Kitashinagawa (6 min), first stop on the Keikyu Main Line from Shinagawa to
Haneda Airport.
Japanese name: 寄木神社 - Yoriki-jinja
Time: a round walk of 45+ min from Shinagawa station
Address: 1-35 Higashi-Shinagawa, Shinagawa, Tokyo
Directions: From Shinagawa Station it is a 20 minutes walk, but the closer station is Shinbanba (7 min), second stop on the Keikyu Main Line from Shinagawa to Haneda
Airport, or Tennozu Isle Station (10 min) on the Rinkai Line.
Japanese: 海徳寺境内 - Kaitokuji Keidai
Time: a round walk of 50+ min from Shinagawa station, though the closest station is Shinbanba on the Keikyu Main Line (2 stops from Shinagawa station), from where it's just five minutes
More Info (in Japanese):
Address: 1-2-10 Minami-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Japanese: 天妙国寺 - Tenmyōkokuji
Time: a round walk of 60 min from Shinagawa station, though the closest station is Aomonoyokocho on the Keikyu Main Line (3 stops from Shinagawa station), from where it's just four minutes away.
Address: 2-8-23 Minami-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Japanese: 品川寺 - Honsenji
Time: a round walk of 66+ min from Shinagawa station, though the closest station is Aomonoyokocho on the Keikyu Main Line (3 stops from Shinagawa station) and the temple right in front of the station.
Address: 3-5-17 Minami-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Japanese: 品川寺の江戸六地蔵 - Honsenji no Edo Roku Jizō
Time: a round walk of 66+ min from Shinagawa station, though the closest station is Aomonoyokocho on the Keikyu Main Line (3 stops from Shinagawa station) and the temple right in front of the station.
Address: 3-5-17 Minami-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Japanese: 品川寺の梵鐘 - Honsenji no bonshō
Time: a round walk of 66+ min from Shinagawa station, though the closest station is Aomonoyokocho on the Keikyu Main Line (3 stops from Shinagawa station) and the temple right in front of the station.
Address: 3-5-17 Minami-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Japanese: 海雲寺と千躰荒神 - Kaiunji to Sentaikōjin
Time: a round walk of 70 min from Shinagawa station, though the closest station is Aomonoyokocho on the Keikyu Main Line (3 stops from Shinagawa station) and the temple right next to the station.
Address: 3-5-21 Minami-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Japanese: 池田山公園 - Ikedayama-kōen
Time: a round walk of 50+ min from Shinagawa station. Closer stations are Gotanda and Meguro on JR Yamanote line, Shirokanedai on Toei Mita and Toei Nanboku line as well as Takanawadai on Toei Asakusa line, from all of these stations you may reach the park in 12-13 minutes on foot.
Address: 5-4 Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa, Tokyo
Japanese: 五反田公園の桜並木 - Gotanda-kōen no sakura namiki
Time: a round walk of 50+ min from Shinagawa station, but if you drop of at Gotanda station which is on the JR Yamanote line and just two stations from Shinagawa, the park is right in front of Gotanda station.
Address: 5-24-6 Higashi-Gotanda, Shinagawa, Tokyo
Japanese: TOCとゆうぽうとのある街並み - TOC to Yūpōto no aru machinami
Time: a round walk of 70+ min from Shinagawa station. Much closer stations include Gotanda on the JR Yamanote Line, Osaki-Hirokoji Station on the Tokyu Ikegami Line and Fudomae Station on the Tokyu Meguro Line, from all three stations it's only about a 9 min walk one way.
Address: 7-22-17 Nishi-Gotanda, Shinagawa, Tokyo
Japanese: 鮫洲八幡神社 - Samezu Hachiman Jinja
Time: a round walk of 80+ min from Shinagawa station. Closest station is Aomonoyokocho on the Keikyu Main Line, from where it's a 9 min walk one way. Other close stations include Tachiaigawa also on the Keikyuu Main Line and Oimachi Station on the JR Keihin Tohoku Line and Rinkai Line, from where it takes 12 min one way.
Address: 1-20-10 Higashi-Oi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Japanese: 立会川河口堤防船だまり - Tachiaigawa Kawaguchi Teibōsen Damari
Time: a round walk of 100 min from Shinagawa station, though the closest station is Tachiaigawa on the Keikyu Main Line (from Shinagawa station), from where it's just six minutes away.
Address: 2-17-1 Higashioi, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo
Ekipo (えきぽ) which means "station walk" is a Japanese made-up word from eki (駅 - えき) which means station and sanpo (さんぽ) meaning walk. JR East uses this word for promoting walking routes of approx. 2 hours each around many of it's stations. More info (Japanese only) can be found here: Using the App you can "check-in" at each sight and after completing the route you'll get a "stamp" displayed and be added to the ranking.
Ekipo at Shinagawa Station on the JR Yamanote Line
Course: approx. 7.3 km / 1:50 hours
Points on the route:
Ekipo at Gotanda Station on the JR Yamanote Line
Course: approx. 7.4 km / 1:50 hours
Points on the route:
Ekipo at Oimachi Station on the JR Keihin-Tohoku Line
Course: approx. 6.4 km / 1:40 hours
Points on the route:
Note: The page was originally created on Mar 7, 2015 for It contributed 25 tips and 94 photos to the Shinagawa Travel guide, was Top Rated and ranked No.1 of the Top 5 Shinagawa Writers. The site was closed down on Feb 27, 2017.